• Alix RoyPatch Staff Verified Patch Staff Badge

  • South End, MA

<b>Email: </b>alix&#64;patch.com<br><b>Phone: </b>617-694-3102<br><b>Hometown: </b>Newburyport, MA<br><b>Birthday: </b>August 23


Alix joined the Patch team in 2010 after stints as a Town Correspondent for the Boston Globe and as a reporter for the Peabody/Lynnfield Weekly News. She graduated from Bowdoin College with a B.A. in English in 2007 and immediately returned to the (slightly) warmer climes of Boston. A South End resident, Alix is looking forward to covering the neighborhood she calls home. You may see her out covering events or wandering down Tremont Street on a Sunday morning - either way, say hi!

<b>Your Beliefs</b><br> <i>At Patch, we promise always to report the facts as objectively as possible and otherwise adhere to the principles of good journalism. However, we also acknowledge that true impartiality is impossible because human beings have beliefs. So in the spirit of simple honesty, our policy is to encourage our editors to reveal their beliefs to the extent they feel comfortable. This disclosure is not a license for you to inject your beliefs into stories or to dictate coverage according to them. In fact, the intent is the opposite: we hope that the knowledge that your beliefs are on the record will cause you to be ever mindful to write, report and edit in a fair, balanced way. And if you ever see evidence that we failed in this mission, please let us know.</i>

<b>Politics<br></b>I&#39;m a registered Democrat and tend to take a liberal point of view on most social issues such as abortion and gay rights. As a journalist, however, it&#39;s my habit to question everything, and I can be swayed on traditional Democratic issues such as labor unions and immigration.

<b>Religion<br></b>This one&#39;s simple: I am not a religious person. While I value the important role that churches and religious institutions play in the community and in the lives of others, it has never played a role in my personal life.

<b>Local Hot-Button Issues<br></b>Library funding, crime and the gentrification of major swaths of the neighborhood are big issues for residents. The South End is still home to many low income housing developments and ethnic communities, however areas like the SoWa arts district have seen rapid change in the past decade. Meanwhile, the South End Branch Library remains open after threats of closure and residents are ready to fight for its survival.

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